Another long time since i last updated my blog here...
well, kinda busy....
busy with the church activity....busy with my study....busy with the outing...LOL
and for sure....had done my FORMATIF....oh's been such a long time ago since i study until late night!!! if not mistaken, it's when i was in sem 3...(although it's just one year, but kira lama juga tu!!) in that week, i was just like a zombie! go to class in the morning with a big big panda eyes, finished the exam, go back room...having my brunch and take bath, then saw my bed, and sleep like dead body until the night, and start the revision by day....gosh....almost kill me!!!
and now...i will need to start my life like that again!!!! oh my god....can i say NO to it???!!!! cause my FINAL is coming soon!!! it's really a FINAL exam for me....LAST sem with LAST EXAM!!!! (nah...ini kali la start belajar kah nda ni??!!) need to start my revision now!!! before everything is too late!!!!
okie...i think that's all for me! quite hungry now...but...just let it be...LOL
have a nice day all...
4 months ago