eih....what's going on??!! cough and cough...
i think it's been around 2 weeks? 3 weeks? arghh...the actual period i had forgotten! i just know that it's been a really long time that i non-stop coughing...
last few days seems like wanna to be cured but now, at this moment, 11:45 p.m, sit in front of my lappy that follow me for such a long time, start cough again and looks like gonna be serious! wow!!!! better don't! **it's really suffering oii~~~ what the f@Q la! (opssss....)
ermm....actually just don't know what to write and i don't know what to do at this moment, so come to drop down some things at here, just like fulfill my boring time...hahaha...that's what i think now.
i know sure there will people asking why i still don't want get to sleep at this time?
Ans: i hope to go to sleep too BUT i can't sleep!!!!! **Again..what the F@Q. i think it's also my own fault, i had done the same things since last week, didn't go to bed on time and "bergayut" at the FB's game, Youtube movie, drama and bla bla bla...day by day, night by night, the time for me to go on bed become makin hari makin lambat eih! getting more fresh at the night like this!
anyway, just come to make some nagging...that's all from me.
(p/s to those who still not yet sleep like me and still watching my blog...have a nice night! hahaha...enjoy it! )
4 months ago
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